Focus Lock Apps

Focus Lock 2.0
Focus Lock
Have a tough exam coming up, project due dateis close but you can't put your phone down?Focus Lock, the digital adderall of the distracted andprocrastinating masses!Simply start by selecting the apps you want to lock out and seta timer for when they will unlock. Hit the locks and be distractionfree from all the social networks and apps you are accustomedto.Say goodbye to procrastination and say hello to Focus Lock**How To**Timer is defaulted for 25 minutes of workflow and a 5 minutebreak (can be adjusted)**The block is continuous so must be manually stopped.**Click the lock to start the block. Long press to add tofavorites.Work for set time, during the break you will be able to use allthe apps you set to block.During the break is the only time you can stop the block; afterbreak app will lock again.Be rewarded for your hard work through Kiip Rewards.---Connect with